We completed our first calendar year of procuring local produce for the Richland County Farm to School program with many successes, challenges and new opportunities. We reflected on 2014 and are excited for what 2015 will bring!
The Richland County Local Food Review looks at the impact of the program on serving local produce in the Richland School District, the Richland County Senior Nutrition Program and at UW Richland . It also shows the impact on the local food economy and the amount of money going into the hands of local growers.
As the program continues to evolve we are looking for more growers to get involved so please share, tweet or ‘like’ this post so we can reach all potential growers in our area.
Richland County Local Food Review
If you would like to grow for the Farm to School Program please contact Jen Duhr, jen.duhr@co.richland.wi.us or 608-649-5766